Daytime: Workaholic, Spare time: Workaholic Aspiring game developer, returning to NG to share his ( possibly ) enjoyable creations.

Age 27, Male

All in my interest

Uppsala University


Joined on 10/20/10

Exp Points:
312 / 400
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.62 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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Hahah yes, I am around and working hard on my projects. I'm just not good at updating on progress, not even on Twitter.

Finished first year of university around around 3 weeks ago and I've been ripe for summer. We've built arcade machines to exhibit with during a game conference located near campus. I've not been talkative about my arcade project even though I'm really proud of it. RIM! RAM! RUM! it's called, a 1v1 space pirate ship arena jousting game. It became very popular during the conference but the concept of it wasn't apparently convincing and coherent to the jury, which led us to only receive two nominations at the ceremony award. It's still better than none and I don't feel like I'm completely done working on the game either. Maybe there'll be a web release for instance!














Now when I'm not working with school projects, I've finally been tending to my own ones. I've done a huuge amount of progress on Doomsday Deluge. I've reworked the game in Unity and I was right about it being easy to implement new things in the game (... though, I'm really frustrated about the clunkiness of changing x and y values of game objects).

I've added alot to the gameplay itself (modifiable stats, enemies, weapons, power-ups, score, loot, level transition, parallax scrolling,etc) and also attempted to try gamepad support, which I hope really becomes a thing!
Recently, I'm working further on UI design and made some sketches of menus and gameplay HUD, as well as writing down design decisions I've made (though some are left undecided until they've been playtested).


I'm also with a group of others across Internet to create an JRPG together, where I've taken the role as Lead Designer. We've elaborated on several features of the game, trying to spin around on traditional elements to produce a new experience. Prototyping on the battle system is now currently in the progress, though we are really short on people in the programming part, let alone on artists! We're aiming to get that sorted out, of course.

Just gon' end the post like this, I ran out of words. Have a great summer! I know I will.

Recent Game Medals

17,245 Points

Baby Steps 5 Points

Buy your first of many upgrades.

WorldsEdge 100 Points

Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)

Persistent 25 Points

Play over an hour

Evolve to final level 50 Points

Evolve to final level

The final Frontier 50 Points

reach space

Distance 1 10 Points

Travel at least 1 kilometer in a single run.

Level Up! 10 Points

Level up at least once.

Hoarder 1 10 Points

Hoard at least 100 gold in a single run.

10 - Welcome Friendo! 5 Points

Show me wachu got, bucko

C-C-Combo Breaker 10 Points

Parry three times in one jump.

Latest Art

Latest Shared Creations

Isaac clark

Added to skins for Skincraft Jun 16, 2011.


Added to levels for Madness: Premeditation Nov 8, 2010.

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